Hirvensalmi basic information
Hirvensalmi is a small municipality of 2100 inhabitants in Finland´s lake district. Hirvensalmi lies in Southern Savonia, approximately 200 kilometers Northeast from Helsinki and only 30 kilometers from regional capital Mikkeli.
Municipality is well known for it's lakes, nature and exceptional beauty. Magnificent views, clear waters and tranquility, that it is not so easily found elsewhere this close to Helsinki, have attracted thousands of Finns to build their holiday cabins in Hirvensalmi.
Lakes Puula and Suontee are enjoyed by paddlers and fishing tourists. Large forest areas are great for hiking and berry picking. During winter town center is sleepy, but in summertime main street is full of visitors and life.
You can reach Hirvensalmi easiest by car. If you prefer public transportation you must travel via Mikkeli and continue to Hirvensalmi by bus or taxi. You can reach Mikkeli by train or bus. There are numerous routes from Helsinki to Mikkeli every day.

- Founded 1868
- 2109 inhabitants
- 3100 summer cabins
- 1360 km shoreline (lakes)
- 127 lakes
- 327 islands
- Area 745 km²
Verkkoranta Cottages
Hirvensalmi tourist information
Summertime Cafe Rantamakasiini

Hirvensalmentie 10
52550 Hirvensalmi
+358 50 3624334
Municipality contact information

Information desk +358 15 727 111
hirvensalmi (at) hirvensalmi.fi
Mayor Seppo Ruhanen
seppo.ruhanen (at) hirvensalmi.fi
Trade ombudsman
Heikki Isokääntä +358 50 300 8608
heikki.isokaanta (at) hirvensalmi.fi
(business development, building sites, off season tourist information)
Administration manager
Anne Matilainen +358 40 660 4077
anne.matilainen (at) hirvensalmi.fi
Principal Petteri Lahdelma +358 50 595 9295
petteri.lahdelma (at) hirvensalmi.fi
Technical manager Asko Viljanen
asko.viljanen (at) hirvensalmi.fi
Building inspector Petri Luukkonen +358 50 380 6889
petri.luukkonen (at) hirvensalmi.fi